18 March 2010

My DH's Brillant Idea

No really, I do think it's brillant...no sarcasm here.

Knowing we would have email and letter correspondence during this deployment, we got one of those question books for couples.  They have hundreds of questions about a variety of topics; a lot of which are very obscure that we probably wouldn't have ever thought about before.  Our plan is to work through the book answering the questions in emails and letters to eachother.  That way, we are learning more about eachother, growing and having interesting conversation even while we are apart.
It's been really interesting ...I'm always excited to see how my husband will answer.

Just a idea that might work for you!


Chelly said...

That sounds kinda interesting. It might be fun!

KathySuchy said...

that's a great idea, I want to do that with Daddy!
Please call home!

Anonymous said...

I think all couples should do that! great idea.
aunty arlene

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